Jasmine Suite (California Sunshine)


The bright colors used in the suite’s decoration, the marine collection and the spring buds and flowers besides the luxury furniture create an especial view like what can be found in California.

It is a different and dreamy suite for those who want real peace. The atmosphere similar to sunny Mediterranean seashore alongside the spring flowers is unexpectedly dreamy and peaceful. The slight and eye-catching painting is accompanying with tenderness of spring days and calm sea breeze. The bright colors used in the suite’s decoration, the marine collection and the spring buds and flowers besides the luxury furniture create an especial view like what can be found in California.

More than all these beauties, the harmony between the comforting unique style of this suite and the beautiful forestry of the mountain creates an environment where the sweet dream of comfort comes true for the guests during their stay therein.

See more pictures from Jasmine suite


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Interior design
Peak sights

Other VIP suites

  • Rose Suite
  • Jasmine Suite
  • Magnolia Suite
  • Honeymoon Suite No. 2
  • Camellia Suite
  • Narcissus Suite (Chinese Clock)
  • Titanic Suite
  • Mountain Suite
  • Honeymoon Suite No. 1

Access information

Digital Phone Line :   +98 011-5505

Extension :                 100

Cell Phone :              +98 9125363519

Email :                       hotelbam.ramsar@gmail.com

Instagram :                instagram.com/shahre_sabzz

Notes :

Cable car service time is 9:30 to 20:00

Our Check in time is 15:00 and check out is 12:00

Passport is mandatory

Animal entering is prohibited

Hotel Bam Sabz management wishes the best during your stay

Hotel Bam reservation 

To reserve Hotel, forest cottages, restaurant and ilmili coffee shop use online form in this website and if there is any probable problem or wants to know any supplemental information contact Hotel Baam Sabz reservation department or Baam Sabz Tourism Agency.

Reserve right now !

Try excitement !

Cable car line using Advantages

Cable car tickets fees charge in bill just for the first time and for all other times it will be free

Cable car line time of service for hotel guests

All dear guests of residential suites must be at the upper site one hour before to Cable car line ending time